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Journal Bill Dawg's Journal: make lil warriors outta them all

ArsLeftica has a FA on a study (filed under "science") where they conned teens into eating more veggies by doing an Adam Ruins Everything* type social justice ploy on them. Basically, don't eat stuff that tastes good, "because corporations!". Eat stuff that tastes like shit instead.

The promoted comment under TFA: "So they were manipulated by exploiting how they dislike being manipulated? Well played."

The commenter seems to have somewhere gotten the impression that Lefties are opposed to manipulation. Way to miss the operative distinction. Obviously it's not manipulation y'all have a problem with; it's only in who's doing it.

IOW, the Left is anti-evil (as you guys define "evil"), but pro-evil in promoting good over evil. Evil is fine as long as it promotes good. (So sayeth the Devil.)

*I presume; never watched it, but that's what I gather it is, from the ads, and given that anything new is going to have a strong Leftist bent nowadays.

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make lil warriors outta them all

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