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Journal immigrationnews's Journal: How to Avoid Rejection or Delay in Getting a B1 Business Visitor Visa?

Canadian citizens who want to enter United States for their business-related activities need certain approvals before they can cross the border. Generally a B1 Business Visitor Visa is needed for this type of visits. While there are clear guidelines about the activities that are covered under this visa, the law is somewhat vague about the activities for which this visa cannot be applied. It simply says that activities that use the US labor market are not allowed. For this reason, those who want to be certain about whether their visa will be accepted or not, need to consult with an immigration law firm and have a discussion with their immigration attorneys.

Activities Allowed under This Visa

To be eligible for receiving a B1 Business Visitor Visa the purpose for visiting the US must be business-related that are placed on the approval list of activities. The list includes:

Attending meetings and consultation with business associates

To attend conventions, trade shows and conferences

Contracts negotiations

To purchase real estate in the United States

For conducting research and marketing

Other than these purposes there are also some other activities that are on the approved list. However, those who are not familiar with legal issues may have difficulty in figuring out the activities that are on the approved list, so it is a better idea to first take help of an experienced immigration attorney before proceeding for visa application. For example, a Canadian citizen visiting the US may want to purchase goods for the business based in Canada. The person may take sales orders for the US clients but they are not allowed to deliver any services or goods.

Where to Get It and What One Needs to Get It?

While it is possible to get the visa from the border officials at the Canada and United States border itself, the applicant should not assume that it is easy to get these visas without any problems. For even the smallest mistakes officials may reject the application. The person wanting to come in not only has to properly fill out the application forms but also carry along documentary evidence that shows what the person would be doing in the US and the proof that they are going to return to Canada within the specified time limit. The proof of return to Canada can include documents on the business or relatives ties in Canada like property deeds or bank records.

Taking Help from Immigration Lawyers

The laws related to B1 Business Visitor Visa is quite complex so the applicants are recommended to consult an immigration lawyer working in this field. This way one can avoid filing wrong forms or making other mistakes that may result in rejection or delay in getting this visa.

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How to Avoid Rejection or Delay in Getting a B1 Business Visitor Visa?

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