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Journal legalinfo's Journal: Trade-Marks and Intellectual Property Rights

Companies have trade-marks. These are things that are unique to your company such as your services, products, brand name and logo. These all fall under your company's intellectual property . Problems arise when companies find that their products and services are copied by competitors.

What comprises intellectual property?

- Domain names

- Media

- Brand names

- Logos

- Inventories

- Discoveries

- Trade secrets

- Patents

- copyright work

Different areas have different intellectual property laws to abide by.

Intellectual Property and the Significance of Protecting It

Intellectual property includes all those mentioned in the list above. Because these are things that define a company and keep the company running, a company must protect these from competitors else they lose their consumers to their competitors. You have the right to protect these things else you face destructive consequences and even legal suits filed by competitors. Because you want to ensure the uniqueness of your business, you must protect all those factors that set your business apart.

About Intellectual Property

Copyright, trade-marks, intellectual property are all terminologies that have legal proceedings. Intellectual property lawyers help you gain understanding with regard to these matters. By taking your advice, you will find less difficulty in protecting your company's intellectual property. Intellectual property law firms will lay out the details of what intellectual property actually is:

- What is it?

- How does it work?

- How does it protect you?

- What happens in the case of infringement?

- Laws on duplication of styles and ideas

- Patent application process

As your business expands, you will want the above issues settled. To give you a brief introduction into intellectual property, take a look at the following concepts:


A trade-mark is what sets your company apart. It is basically your identity. Trade-marks range from brand names to products and logos. Anything that can represent and be identified with your firm is considered a trade-mark.


This is the right that your firm is entitled to, to distribute your products as well as safeguard these from being copied by other people or companies. The copyright is what gives you power to alter your products as you wish for these are your company's.


Patent is granted by the government and gives you authority to file claim over an innovation or discovery that your company owns. Patents have an allocated time period. Patents state that your product is under exclusive ownership of your company.

How intellectual property is managed and implemented

Professional intellectual property lawyers under intellectual property law firms are all equipped with the knowledge and skill they need in order to help protect your from any form of infringement. It is recommended that when you set up a company, you obtain legal counsel from such lawyers. Moreover, law firms should be hired to help you maintain these rights along the course of your business.

Intellectual property lawyers will help you ensure the safety of your products and protect the survival of your company.

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Trade-Marks and Intellectual Property Rights

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The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their creator.
