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Journal legalinfo's Journal: Personal Injury on a Film Set

Safety precautions on a film set are one of the first things that a bond company looks for and monitors during the time of production on a film. A film set can be a dangerous place full of personal injury and the producers are liable for any injuries that happen on set.

How Set Injuries Happen

The genre of the film will be a huge factor in the health and injury risks involved. An action movie will have more stunts and choreographed fights than a drama. One accident that can happen on any set is for a grip, camera assistant or other crew to leave equipment in a way that does not conform to safety guidelines. When this happens it can cause people on set to trip or knock something down and a personal injury is likely to follow.

When using any kind of vehicle on set, you are also dealing with a potential injury. This can especially be true with car chase scenes. It is necessary to have a set medic, fire-fighters and contracted police officers on the sidelines during these high stressed and dangerous scenes.

Types of Injuries on a Film Set

Most film sets are like construction sites. The types of potential injuries are very similar; from a broken leg or head injury to something like being electrocuted or being trapped under rubble. It is even possible for somebody to be killed in an accident on a film set.

Even though a film set will have good insurance, it is still a good idea to secure a personal injury lawyer if you are injured on set. Personal injury lawyers are valuable in making sure that you receive a fair amount of compensation in relation to your injury.

Personal Injury Suits and What to Expect

When the injuries on set are somebody else's fault and there is good evidence of such, you can proceed with a personal injury law suit. Your compensation will be figured according to how severe the injuries are and if the injuries have caused damage in other areas of your life. If your personal injury law firm has a lot of experience and a good track record, it is likely that you will receive a higher compensation as well.

Film companies are usually on a time constraint and are hyper aware of the buzz going around about their film. If any injuries go public it is not good publicity for them so they usually settle with personal injury lawyers out of court.

It is better not to be injured when working on a film set, but if you happen to be one of the unlucky ones, be sure your personal injury is compensated fairly by going to good personal injury attorneys who will work with your best interest in mind.

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Personal Injury on a Film Set

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