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Journal immigrationnews's Journal: Can a British Citizen Obtain Permanent Legal Residency in the United States?

When a British citizen wants to move to the United States or Canada, they will have to jump through some legal hoops. However, each case is different, and your case will be best served by consulting with an immigration lawyer who can advise you about which visa you should apply for. They can also advise you regarding any special circumstances that may help your particular case.

Getting a Permanent Visa to the United States

Moving to the United States is more difficult for British citizens than moving to Canada. The easiest ways to get permanent residency in the United States is through the skilled worker program or through a family visa. However, an immigration attorney may be able to help you think of other more innovative means of obtaining the status of legal permanent resident. Family visas are usually granted when a British citizen marries an American, and they involve a lengthy process of paperwork, interviews, medical exams, and financial declarations. Skilled worker visas are granted if a company wants a British citizen to work for them, and they can contend that no American is able to do that particular job.

Entering the United States on a Temporary Visa

If you cannot enter the United States on a permanent visa, it may work to enter on a temporary visa. Once you have spent some time in the country on a temporary basis, you can apply for a status change. British students or recent graduates may be able to obtain a student working visa. These typically allow the student or recent graduate to live and work in the country for six months. It is also possible to engage in a study abroad program where the student would be able to study at an American university but not work during their stay. Alternatively, it is possible for all ages of British people to enter the United States on a tourist visa. Once the British citizen has entered the country on one of these visas, they may look for an American to fall in love with and marry, or they may start to look for a job. After they have procured one of these two things, they can apply for a status change. However, the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) is relatively difficult to work with on status changes, and it is far better to contact an immigration law firm than to try to deal with this on your own.

Becoming a Permanent Resident in Canada

If a British Citizen wants to become a permanent resident in Canada, they have basically the same options as they would have in the United States. However, due to the Commonwealth relationship between the UK and Canada, the process is sometimes much easier. In addition, British citizens under the age of twenty eight can enter Canada on a two year temporary work visa, and during that time, they can make a lot of contacts and research the possibility of staying permanently.

How Immigration Lawyers Can Help

The immigration process is not as simple as printing out a form, filling it out, and getting approved. Immigration lawyers have spent years studying the intricacies of the system, and they understand exactly how to help their clients to improve their rates of success. Immigration attorneys from a quality immigration law firm can help you navigate this difficult process. They will help you find the correct form, file it quickly, and they will increase your chances of getting the results that you desire.

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Can a British Citizen Obtain Permanent Legal Residency in the United States?

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