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Journal smallbusinessessilik's Journal: The Best Business to Buy for the Unemployed

The economy is down and many older workers have been fired. The reason for experienced employees to be terminated is to allow the younger worker who earn less get the job.

Those who are younger are usually less experienced and accept lower pay without health benefits. They are eager to learn that they even will work longer hours just to learn.

What are the older workers to do? There is a shortage of workers from the 'Help Wanted' signs on the windows of many stores. Look inside and see the young kids who are running the business without concern about being paid more. They are in it to learn a skill that will, in the short run earn them more.

Business for Sale

Retired workers who were laid off should do the following:

1. Buy an established business for sale that has already closed the door. Perhaps the owner was forced to go out of business due to illness or the death of the owner.

2. Check out the money figures. It is important to see how much the business earned quarterly or lost by the end of the year. If it looks like they earned high figures, ask to see the books. Never take their word for it, check it out yourself.

3. Ask questions and if you are interested attempt to bring down the cost to buy. Rarely does a business sell at the first price asked. It might be a good investment and bring you a substantial income.

Canadian business for Sale

1. If you live in Canada and you live in the surrounding area of the Canadian business for sale, check it out carefully before you put your money down and buy it.

2. Inspect the interior of the store especially if it is a sandwich and ice cream shop and geared to cater to the teens. An ice cream store that also serves sandwiches should bring in good money only if the kids decide to use it as a place to meet.

3. Review the figures with the previous owner of a Canadian business for Sale. Ask questions about why he has the store for sale. If the reason is teenage violence, or gang warfare in the area, keep looking elsewhere. This sounds like major drug troubles. Walk away.

Franchise for Sale

1. Learn what a Franchise is if you are not already familiar with it. This might be just the right type of business to go into.

2. Understand that if you buy a Franchise business, they train you about the best ways to earn a good living. Someone from the Franchise shows you the ins and outs of the business and the best ways how to make a great deal of money.

1. Keep in mind that in a franchise you have to pay part of your earnings to the Franchise Corporation.

2. This might be the best way to go especially if you lack previous experience.

3. Check out all your choices pertaining to what type of business to go into.

If you did your homework you should know all the figures to help you decide the best type of business for you to go into that will bring in a decent living.

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The Best Business to Buy for the Unemployed

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