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Journal immigrationnews's Journal: Foreign Citizens Wishing to Marry a U.S. Resident may want to Enlist the Service

A foreign citizen wishing to marry a United States citizen may encounter some legal issues when attempting to permanently enter the U.S., and utilizing an immigration attorney is often beneficial to avoid hassles related to immigration laws. Each case can present its own challenges. An immigration lawyer should have no problem navigating clients through the legal process, proving advise and direction every step of the way.

Tourist visas are an inexpensive way to visit a fiancé in the U.S. They are even free for residents of some countries. However, planning to get married during a visit on a tourist visa could be a big mistake. While there are circumstances that allow for a marriage to take place while in the U.S. on a tourist visa, a preplanned wedding is not allowed. Evidence of a preplanned wedding could result in denial of a citizen's status change by immigration officials. Immigration attorneys can help prevent this from happening, making sure all parties are in compliance with U.S. laws at all times.

Foreign residents planning a wedding should plan on obtaining a fiancé visa prior to entering the U.S. While, not free in cost, fiancé visas do allow the freedom of getting married without further immigration hassles related to the actual wedding. Still, marrying a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil does not grant immediate citizenship. Instead, it is just the beginning of a long process.

The process of becoming a permanent U.S. citizen takes two years, and involves several steps. Filling out documentation, taking part in interviews with immigration officials, a physical examination and even vaccinations for members of some nationalities will be required during the two-year period. The spouse trying to obtain citizenship will have to declare that he or she is not a terrorist and that the marriage entered into is for love, and not simply a green card. The U.S. citizen entering into the marriage will have to provide financial records, which show enough income to support their spouse over a length of time. Without a sufficient income, the couple will have to find a financial supporter.

An immigration law firm will help prevent bumps on the long road to becoming a citizen, making the journey as short as possible. Immigration lawyers have the know-how to ensure all documents are completed correctly, which will help them stand up to any scrutiny from immigration officials. Mistakes in the paperwork will almost certainly increase the amount of time needed to complete the citizenship process. So, whether entering the country on a tourist visa or a fiancé visa, enlisting the service of an immigration attorney will certainly cut down on any headaches that may be encountered when a foreign citizen plans to marry a U.S. citizen in the United States.

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Foreign Citizens Wishing to Marry a U.S. Resident may want to Enlist the Service

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