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Journal Xaoswolf's Journal: Stuck in DC 8

With no power cable for my laptop.


Even forgot my phone's power cord.

From now on, I pack early.

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Stuck in DC

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  • by GMontag ( 42283 )
    Where in DC are you? I am in Reston, a Northern VA suburb.
  • I was stuck there a few weeks ago in the fog. Couldn't get a flight out of Dulles. Fortunitly I'm from Harrisburg and my girlfriend was so kind as to drive all the way down and get me in the middle of the night so I wouldn't be stuck there for days. Yes, days, it would have taken days until the next flight was available, and they refused to rent us a car (even four of us, just one car, one way, for like 100 miles).

What the large print giveth, the small print taketh away.
