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The Courts

Journal capoccia's Journal: I have been subpoenaed

I have been subpoenaed.

Some Columbus city plough truck ran into my parked car a few weeks ago. He's trying to contest the "failure to control" charges in court.

This isn't the first time he's been charged for this. There is also a case from 1999 on record. The case was dismissed, but I can't help but wonder why it was dismissed and whether there were any merits to the case.

The present case is set to convene on Thursday, March 13.

I don't know what good I could possibly do as a witness. I wasn't there; I was at work. The car is already sold, and I already have the money from the insurance.

I was trying to decide between selling and repairing the car because 3rd gear was bad. It's a manual transmission, so still drivable without 3rd. I finally decided to sell and put an ad in the paper and it sold very quickly. I was surprised that anyone would actually buy it with high miles, broken airconditioning, bad transmission as well as several small dents (including the one from the plough). It sold for $500. Repairing or replacing the transmission would have been at least $800.

It was only a small dent on one door, and I only got about $180 from insurance (almost the amount of the lowest estimate - $220). Of course, the city is under sovereign immunity, so my insurance had to cover the damage.

I also managed to get a parking ticket out of the deal. I was parked the wrong direction. I live in a court, and have been parking that direction for years without any problems. People all over my neighborhood park funny directions in courts. I just happened to get ticketted because I was involved in an accident (even though my direction was in no way germane to the accident).

At the least, this experience should be educational. I have never been subpoenaed before, and the only other time I went to the courthouse was in highschool for a fieldtrip.


On a different note, I still haven't recieved any satisfactory answers to the question posed in my last journal entry. So if anyone knows the answer, I'd like to hear it.

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I have been subpoenaed

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