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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Me ... On Nat'l TV & Wardriving in Richmond 2

So I've been in Richmond, VA, this past weekend for the Colonial Conference Men's Basketball Championships. #3 Drexel surprised everyone last night by knocking off #2 VA Commonwealth in the semis. Tonight we take on defending champ and #1 seed U of North Carolina-Wilmington. Game is 7pm Eastern on ESPN2.

If you watch - I'm in the Drexel Pep Band - playing the lead trumpet part. If they show us, I'm the guy in the middle of 5 trumpeters. Several band members are contemplating face paint for the game (especially since we havent done anything like that in my 5 years here!).

You might be asking where's my connection coming from? Answer - Wardriving in Richmond. Well, not quite. Someone's laptop has found a connection from a nearby office building. So we've wardrived from the hotel room!

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Me ... On Nat'l TV & Wardriving in Richmond

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  • Well, we (Penn) got in this weekend, and St. Joe's is a lock. Villanova's go practically no chance to get in after that phone call scandal, but Temple's been playing pretty well lately, so they have a shot at winning the A-10 tournament. Still, it'd be awesome for you guys to win and show the nation that Philly bball is for real.
  • it has an article on WarSpying.

    Take an x10 reciever and drive around and see who you can watch.

1 Mole = 25 Cagey Bees
