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Less Suck, More Awesome

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  • Sorry man, couldn't sit through it... Got a transcript?

    • You should've stuck with it, it's only 4 minutes, and the seeming negativity about govt. spending in the beginning that must've offended your Lefty sensibilities so didn't turn out to be what he was getting at. It was an interesting rundown of what NASA does with its fraction of the federal budget, and he's arguing *for* govt. spending and the grand, glorious things collectivism can achieve. So you would actually be pleased -- he even gave a shout-out to the legitimacy of the climate change Lefty hoax/power

      • Corruption is not acceptable to me...

        That's just not so.. You stand tall for the totally unconstitutional Controlled Substances Act and federal narcotics laws that keep almost a million people incarcerated and makes anywhere from 3 - 5 times that many unemployable and unable to vote .. You're still just a conformist.. But your post is funny nonetheless

        • You stand tall for the totally unconstitutional Controlled Substances Act

          If it's unconstitutional, then I'm against it. Assuming that's federal-level legislation [I don't feel a burning need to learn about it in particular depth, as I actually have quite a few more than just one issue that I care about freedom-wise], I don't see how it's any of the purview of the federal govt. to set drug policy. Leave it to the states, let the people of each decide how strict they want to be, in accordance with their state

          • If you want to impose rules, I will take my right to vote who makes the rules, and I won't be nearly as polite about it as I am here. To paraphrase a semi famous actor, if you want a war, you will get a war you won't believe.. and one you will lose.. You really are anti-American, or is it un-American? Maybe you'll be more comfortable back in the old country. Freedom is just not your cup of tea

            • I want to impose all the rules that the people of my nation have implicitly agreed to -- our laws. I feel comfortable in this because there are rules in place for changing said rules, that people can utilize. So for example I wouldn't impose my desire that people here just taking up space be disallowed from voting, I would try to persuade people to change the rules to that. Unfortunately, you Liberals have amassed too much of a thieving base in my country, for that to realistically be possible. So I won't b

              • Don't forget that I'm also a racist, and a homophobe, and prolly a pedo too.

                Hmmm, I did not know that... I hope you're just funnin' me... Actually, I still believe you're a well closeted hipster... I see that in some of your posts.. It's just that I also think you are confused.. I see that in some of your posts too... Party on, Wayne

                • Actually, I still believe you're a well closeted hipster...

                  Whatever the hell that means. And I'm not "funnin'" you, I'm making fun of you (guys) -- only the dummies of the world actually believe you guys' horsecrap about the Tea Partiers being racist and Republicans hating Mexicans and Conservatives being for dirty air and water and wanting old people to starve ad nauseum. Along with the "climate crisis" hooey, we both know it's all your sides' bullshit and scheming to gain more power. You guys can't argue

                  • Your crass assumptions are grossly off base, but that's why I like you so much. You provide some of the best, most absurd posts here on Slashdot.. but you are the one who actually voted to keep people locked up. Your denials cannot change that.. That is forever, and is horribly anti-freedom, clearly confirms my assertions.. and by logical extension, it also means you are propping up the mafia and cartels and the banks that launder their money, you will go to war to enforce your ideals how other people shoul

    • by chill ( 34294 )

      Yes, it is supremely annoying. The premise is NASA does some fantastic things that people just don't realize. That our tax dollars -- a very small percentage of them -- promote some awesome stuff, and aren't just focuses on "making life suck less".

      He then lists the various projects that NASA is doing this year, even with a tiny budget. Skip to 1:35 and start viewing there, if you already know about the paltry pittance of our taxes that go to science and technology.

      • Well, I'm already very pro NASA, JPL, NOAA, NTSB, CDC (to a point), interstate highway system, Hoover Dam, etc... watched John Glenn's entire first flight live on the TV and virtually every other subsequent flight, Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and shuttle... and I'm very aware of their relatively tiny budget..

        ...Ok, watched the video (from a kid who probably wasn't even born before the Challenger blew up), with the volume way down at an almost tolerable level... preaching to the the worst fashion po

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