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Journal benad's Journal: How to fix sendmail in 5 minutes...

Install postfix. Really. That damn sendmail bug updated the sendmail version just enough to ignore (screw) my settings on Mac OS X, based on a very thorough HOWTO. Nice. I just want to setup a closed relay with my ISP's SMTP server... I even have a nice domain name mapped to my dynamic IP address, ready to be used...

Enter postfix. One line is enough. By default, your whole subnet is allowed to connect, which fits perfectly with my subnet behind my router (through NAT, obviously). No messing around, no "trial-and-error" dozen of times, no shit.

Because, you know what? I'm not a masochist. I just want it to work. I don't want to care about nonsense concepts specific to the "sendmail world", nor its security holes. I don't prefer Macs for nothing...

After working for 3 hours to make sendmail work, and that for the fourth time since I have Mac OS X, I drew the line. sendmail, adieu.

On a totally non-geek note...

I had the crazy idea to go see "Die Zauberflöte" (the magic flute) by Mozart. Yes, the opera. While the ticket price and "suggested clothing" is not a problem for me (we're still talking about Die Zauberflöte here...), I have a problem: I can't see that alone.

"Would you like to go to the opera?", "Huh? I never saw an opera before...", "Me neither! It's going to be fun!", "I don't know... And it's expensive, no?", "Don't worry, I'll pay.", "I don't want to force you... It's going to be around 200$...".

You get the idea.

Oh, and about "The Drew Carey Show":

The Drew Carey Show will get a summer re-launch on June 25 when it moves to 9:00 p.m. on its original day, Wednesday. The series will kick off its summer run with its historic 200th episode.

That throws away this whole "Drew will get married on May 24th" plot...

And I'm sick. Another crap week, I guess...

- Benad

This discussion was created by benad (308052) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

How to fix sendmail in 5 minutes...

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