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Journal johndiii's Journal: New Slashdot Design: CPU Usage (much too high) 3

I'm not a huge fan of the new layout, though I like v3 better than v2. Still pretty buggy.

One problem: I normally keep several Firefox tabs open to Slashdot pages, and Firefox is now running 50% of CPU usage (dual-core Xeon, three year old machine). Memory usage also appears to be higher.

This discussion was created by johndiii (229824) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

New Slashdot Design: CPU Usage (much too high)

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  • And everything around the journal system needs some UI fixing work, icons currently sit on top of text etc. And any UTF-8 in my JEs (accented characters, ñ etc) displays incorrectly.

    I filed a bug in their sourceforge tracker about the CPU usage, I had noticed it too (it was hard not to).

    • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

      And any UTF-8 in my JEs (accented characters, ñ etc) displays incorrectly.

      /. has pretty much always been a crapshoot WRT including non-ASCII text. Looking at the source for this page says it was sent as ISO-8859-1, so the Unicode characters that represent non-western-European languages are straight out. Even within ISO-8859-1, I think there are some characters that are blocked, and not all representations are accepted (ä should render as ä...ä...hey, looks like it does work!).


  • Not here, at least not on Firefox. Epiphany eats CPU when using slashdot. Firefox seems to behave fine though. Firefox 3.6.13 on Ubuntu 10.04. Work laptop: Core2Duo P8600 4GB RAM

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