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Journal $$$exy Gwen Stefani's Journal: The G-spot: Zoe, Jodie, & Sophie 1

I found some real beautiful images of what are sure to be some of the most gorgeous women in the entire world! So, sit back, relax, turn down the volume on the Idiot Box (your TV, not your computer ;-D), and enjoy the latest issue of The G-spot!

Be sure to befriend me so that you receive a message each time a new issue comes out!

[ #9 ] Oh. My. Goodness. Major QT pie, and I'm not talking about QuickTime ;-D
[ #8 ] Hi Jodie. Those pants are nice. I'm sure the shirt was sexy too, although I think it fell off somewhere!
[ #7 ] Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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The G-spot: Zoe, Jodie, & Sophie

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