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Journal benad's Journal: 798.3MB

That's the size of the "The Javelin" CD (you know...). It's better that I could have ever imagined. The musicality of the 72-minutes song (that is, excluding the bonus track) is exceptional. And compared to the original, no MP3 of any bitrate lower than 256kbps will do any justice to the quality of the sound. Those guys (L. Softley and J. Reid) spent a lot of time making this CD, and it shows.

Last week I was surprised to get 20KB/s downloads from Freenet, but I guess from what I read on some "freesites" from other Freenet users is that this is the average. Freenet is really "high latency, high bandwidth". It takes in average 15 to 200 seconds to start any download, but the bandwidth is between 10KB/s and 30KB/s, even more in some cases. Leeching never felt that good...

I really want to make a new résumé and update my home page, but I want so much to make it perfect that it will take a while before it becomes public. I expect them to be finished in about 2-3 months, with, you know, all these exams, projects and work...

- Benad

This discussion was created by benad (308052) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
