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Journal mburns's Journal: Tachyons Can Not Carry An Effective Electrical Charge.

If they could carry an electrical charge that mattered, then a tachyonic observer could manipulate it in her time, thus leaving a temporary signal distributed in space for a subluminal partner to read.

But this happening is contrary to the cosmic censorship that is needed. The censorship is needed, as I have argued before, to prevent the contrary observations made by tachyonic and subluminal observers from actually confronting each other. These contrary observations arise from the inability of a tachyonic observer to see the same magnitude of spacetime interval between two events that all subluminal observers can agree on. This disagreement actually magnifies itself into a dispute over the convergence or divergence of gravitational effects.

A Kaluza-Klein study of tachyonic charge verifies this. When electromagnetism is converted to a gravitational field in higher dimensions, then the disagreement over the effects of gravity apply to the effects of charges as well. Both electrostatic attraction and repulsion convert into a gravitational, and very much milder, sort of repulsion. This is still notable since neutral tachyons cannot interact gravitationally at all (I mean, of course, perfect tachyons with stationary objects).

You might argue that this is an impossibly abstruse result for me to actually arrive at, but careful diagramming of these gravitational fields actually can show what is happening. The tachyonic observer does not agree on the direction of time. So, the strong additive affects of a Kaluza-Klein field (a compression-dilation longitudinal wave) become subtractive to a tachyonic test charge. I could ask you to diagram this for yourself, but I do not know of any physicist that can do the trick. So, download my manuscript!

Michael J. Burns

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Tachyons Can Not Carry An Effective Electrical Charge.

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