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Journal timothy's Journal: Big Trip 2010: No. 4

20100622 Tuesday

Mile 1367 of my trip; I'm in Cheyenne, Wyoming, less than 100 miles from Boulder. Travel with the new tires has been fine -- no problems noted, gas mileage seems as expected (or at least so close that I can't necessarily say there's anything wrong -- I am at 5000 feet after all, and climbing). Montana and Wyoming, both distractingly beautiful. Passed a Wall Drug bumpersticker, mildly regret not making it out that direction -- would definitely stop there if I was. In a few hours, I should have dinner with my cousin in Boulder, enjoying that city.

A few earlier notes-by-mile-marker:

Snow on craggy peaks south of I-90, make-believe clouds above. Hills just to the north, a golf course for giants. Blue sky to define blue.

m680: the Continental Divide!

m810: The CRAZY mountains

m927: Slept for several hours at the Christenson rest area, Montaina. Left after that nap, at dawn, 4:38 local time, beautiful sunset.

m963: Crossed the Little Bighorn River just as a train approached on the tracks to the south. A deer skittered across the road in front of me the same mile (slight brake, slight swerve, all was well).

m973: trotting coyote crosses the road ahead of me, 5:26 AM

m1006: Enter Wyoming!

m1034: Sheridan, WY; a big crennelated dome S. of the highway, with a set of bleachers next door. A school? Want to know more about this building -- I wonder if it's from the Monolithic Dome Institute.

m1087: Sign: "Middle Fork / Crazy Woman."

m113: Rest stop, napped for close to 2 hours. Remaining, 335 miles to Denver

m1149: My car's warranty expires (hit 36,000 miles)

m1254, road marker 117: trees i nhuge body of water -- a dam-formed lake? W
would like to go swimming in this right now.

m1295 - stop in Wheatland, Wy for groceries: grapes, yogurt, corn chips, tea, water ... had a coupon for shaving cream, but they didn't stock that variety.

m1287: Cross the Laramie River


This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Big Trip 2010: No. 4

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If a train station is a place where a train stops, what's a workstation?
