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United States

Journal pudge's Journal: Unique 1

I wonder how long it will be before people start just putting together random letters for names of companies, bands, and so on, so they can be unique in Google searches.

Your search - fobhwueufg8 - did not match any documents.

^^ my new band name

(Hm, "Did Not Match Any Documents" would be a fun band name. Or the name of the debut album of the band fobhwueufg8.)

Cross-posted on <pudge/*>.

This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • ...names of people. It might not just be for celebrities for much longer. I for example have a newscaster and a preacher and others shadow what is my real name, so I'm buried in search results. And some day that might bother me. There may come a day where everyone desires their own unique online identifier (or a govt. requires it!). Forget IP4 address space -- will we run out of URL length space?

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