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Journal timothy's Journal: Dreams: Three more lucid ones, from 2010420

20100420 - Three more lucid dreams

1) Dreamed I was in Alaska w/ a small bunch of friends and family, at relatively remote place. I suppose we had rented it for vacation. In the dream, we were quite used to the place, so either our vacation was ongoing so that the purest novelty had worn off, or we'd been there before.

- In the first part of the dream, I was walking toward the cabin after some playing outdors, eating snow, perfectly pure and white, and laughing at how it felt to do so. A few other people were doing it too, with my encouragement, and also laughing at the sensation. The snow was fluffy and dry, barely felt cold on the tongue.

- Part II: murder mystery; Steve Killen was also there at the cabin, along w/ a few others, incl. NCL. Either partly in or near a creek that crossed the property we occupied, we found a body (a new arrival -- hadn't been there earlier that day), and we could tell that the death was suspicious (though perhaps it could have been misadventure (drunk --> stumble --> drowning in creek, or hypothermia, etc.)). For whatever reason, police were unlikely to get there for a long time; maybe we didn't have a good way to contact them. For some line of work he was in, or perhaps just as a curious person, Steve K. had a fingerprint kit. Since this was in the snowy Alaskan outdoors, there's not much to fingerprint, but there were orange traffic cones there, and we thought that someone might have intentionally moved them, misleading someone who was approaching the creek into crossing at a place wheere it *wasn't* safe, as the cones were supposed to do the opposite. So Steve was going to try to find prints on the cones themsleves. If this fellow had drowned in the way we were picturing, the cones, essentially, were the murder weapon.

2) Hanging out w/ some rebellious but basically harmless ruffians, who weren't pleasing the owners of the stores they went into. (They looked semi-menacing, even if only semi. Don't remember why I was with them.) For some reason, I think this was in Portland.

Later, by myself, in a sort of sell-everything store (like a large "drug store" along the lines of Walgreens, CVS, etc.), being followed at little more than arm's length by an employee / manager there, who clearly thought I was a shoplifter or otherwise undesirable. I was ticked off. "Sir, can I help you find something?" I asked him, which flustered him a little bit (his line!), but he didn't back off. "Would you mind not following me quite so closely?" I asked, pointedly, and in a loud voice, hoping to embarrass. He kept up, so I decided to linger and dawdle, examining everything in the store, letting his suspicion be its own punishment.

3) Driving tiny, unstable car in a W. coast city (sort of a PortlandSeattleSFVancouver of a place ...)
I was behind a car full of sheiks (30s/40s, dressed in white djaballas and black-framed sunglasses) in a white Cadillac. Obviously their Cadillac was a treasured, cared-for vehicle, but it wasn't to my taste; it was from a gas-guzzling phase of the 1970s, had the sort of bulky, awkward curves I think of from then, but was made even uglier with modifications that added extra chrome bars wrapping around each corner. Still, a curiosity. I wondered why the sheiks were there, whether they'd imported the car just to tool around in or had bought it in the U.S., etc.

I got to take special note of the car (I was trying to make myself remember the plate number, and to read the state from there, but I couldn't quite do it) because I was stopped behind it at an intersection, facing uphill. (West coast is easy, besides the intuition that this was so, because the sun was setting -- late afternoon -- to my rear, over the ocean.) When the light changed, the Cadillac of sheiks roared off; the tiny car I was in sort of puttered forward, then I turned right. It felt unstable at any highway speed, so I had to keep right and slow down to the fastest speed where the wobble was controllable.

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Dreams: Three more lucid ones, from 2010420

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