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Journal benad's Journal: A Week's Aftertaste

Well, that wasn't my week.

This is supposed to be my spring break, but I spent most of my time working on my engineering "capstone project". But my brain REALLY wanted to take a break. So I worked on it, but in an 8-hour day I was really productive in only 2. So 4 days means only one.

At work, the snow storm in Boston caused several problems with our servers, servers that I need for my work even though I'm in Montreal. Result? I wasn't productive anyways, "brain dead" or not.

I tried ordering "The Javelin" CD by "Blue Amazon" on, but that failed after 15 days of back-order. So I tried on, which is a much nicer site, but with a single exception: you can't know if something is out of stock until you order it. Really nice integration with the inventory system! (I was sarcastic here...)
I've ordered it from an individual, through's "buy used and new" feature, but it is ground mail, from the US, with no package tracking whatsoever. "3-6 weeks"... if you're lucky...

Also, I tested that FEC stuff (otherwise known as "splitfile inserts") in Freenet by trying to download a ~250MB file. But I learned that you need 3 times the disk space of that file to get it, you need to put the temp directory outside your datastore otherwise it is counted in the datastore size (really!), re-inserting chunks in the network is likely to put your download in an infinite idle state, and you must use a Netscape or Mozilla browser.
Well, once you know all that, the "leeching" speed is quite good, especially compared to any Carracho you may find...


The temperature outside is around 0C (32F), so compared to the usual -20C (-4F) of the past two months, it feels like spring... I can take my time to walk outside again...

And people were, oddly enough, very nice to me this week...

So maybe this aftertaste is due only by yesterday's "sushi orgy" (don't ask)...

It was a good week, after all...
Hapiness is such a strange thing...

- Benad

This discussion was created by benad (308052) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

A Week's Aftertaste

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