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United States

Journal Philip K Dickhead's Journal: SciFi Dystopian Nightmare Called "America" 2


The president was correct in saying that we need a more robust DNA database, available to law enforcement in every state, to "continue to tighten the grip around folks who have perpetrated these crimes." But critics have a point that genetic police work, like the sampling of arrestees, is fraught with bias. A better solution: to keep every American's DNA profile on file.

...Your sensitive genetic information would be safe...The genetic privacy risk from such profiling is virtually nil, because these records include none of the health and biological data present in one's genome as a whole...

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SciFi Dystopian Nightmare Called "America"

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  • His logic has more holes in it than a sieve. I'll just touch on one.

    His argument is that to prevent genetic profiling of people close to the DNA of a suspect, society needs EVERYONE's DNA.

    Except his solution (DNA swabs at birth, DNA swabs for drivers' licences) STILL does not include everyone, and would not negate the alleged need for genetic profiling.

    He does not have the intellectual honesty to say, in words, what is required for his idea to work: the compelled appearance of everyone in America to a gov

"Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?" -Ronald Reagan
