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The Matrix

Journal Philip K Dickhead's Journal: Tungsten Bar At W.C.Heraeus Gold Foundry With Bank Origin 1

Well. This could be a psyop, with a "real" fake bar that was made by an indeterminate agency to manupulate demand and markets....

It could be a rogue, where a few bars were stolen, and replaced with fakes...

It could be the tip of the iceberg - of massive gold-based fraud by banks and governments, as speculated in the recent past.

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Tungsten Bar At W.C.Heraeus Gold Foundry With Bank Origin

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  • Fascinating. I wonder what ever happened to the case last year (?) in Ethiopia, where they found several of their "gold" bars in the central bank were really gold-plated steel. These had passed official assay, so I was assuming it was simple corruption & theft, but you never know.

Everything that can be invented has been invented. -- Charles Duell, Director of U.S. Patent Office, 1899
