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Journal zogger's Journal: Seasons 2

A pretty good article on the exploration of generational seasons as relate to social change, economics, and geopolitics.

Now I'll be the first to admit that the boomer generation has created a *lot* of problems. No contest there. I'll also point out that the preceding two generations to that got close but no cigar in reforming the realities that lead to a lot of these problems. They fought the good fight..everywhere but at home where it was really needed. The boomers awakened the real drive and spirit to freedom and equality, to deny some hereditary aristocratic birthright to power. We had a schism, a major break in the two boomer camps. It wasn't and hasn't been all a single mindset "boomer" force.

And this is why *this* particular boomer has always recommended to have a personal sovereignty and socially gracious outlook and existence to life, and to strive to be less of a burden to surrounding society, and to be more of a net positive asset by getting independent in life's necessities, of water, food, shelter and security and to engage in honest transactions, and not to manipulate events so that they shaft my global neighbors or the present or future generations in our society.

LBJ said he wanted a "great society". Well, that's nice, but it starts with yourself and a personal mindset and by your actions. It can't be dictated by some government law, it can't be bought, it can't be sold either, and it certainly can't be traded, mortgaged, hedged or leveraged.

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  • by spun ( 1352 ) <loverevolutionar ... m ['hoo' in gap]> on Saturday February 27, 2010 @03:18PM (#31298780) Journal

    Take personal responsibility and don't be a dick, I like it. I am reminded of the quote by John Milton, "None can love freedom heartily, but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license." You're one of the good ones. :)

  • Too long to read the whole thing, but I can see the 4 cycles in our period:
    * The High - The national euphoria after winning WWII.
    * The "Awakening" - The spoiled and bored brats known as the hippie generation that followed, who knew nothing of loyalty or sacrifice or real danger.
    * The Culture Wars - Their early adulthood as they flood the major influencing institutions of America -- schools, govt., Hollywood, the news business -- and begin to exert influence on causing cultural upheaval. Many non- counter-cu

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