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Noted Economist catches up

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  • I guess as opposed to "clean wars" which only kill and maim the little people and don't affect the elites. That this time the next war might not discriminate in who gets to experience the hells of it is the *real* travesty!

  • Sometime last year I posted a journal linking to video clip of him on the ABC (abc.net.au) lateline program.

    I saw the program live and they edited out the bit in the clip where he also said "and a machinegun".

    • by zogger ( 617870 )

      Well, I should have seen that but must have missed it or don't recall. I'll find it and watch it.

      He's just one of many who are noting this now, but most fall under the contrarian/bears label and aren't covered so much in the regular financial press. The regular press is where the bulls and churners live.

      • by tqft ( 619476 )

        Oh and just to get you in a right cantakerous mood

        This may or may not be making news elsewhere but is (was?) lead story at bloomberg.com

        Who said banks were bastards?

        http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?p...d=ax3yON_uNe7I [bloomberg.com]
        "These were the deals that pushed the insurer to the brink of insolvency -- and were eventually paid in full at taxpayer expense. The New York Fed, which secretly engineered the bailout, prevented the full publication of the document for more than a year ...
        The identification of securities in

      • by tqft ( 619476 )

        It may have actually been a comment I made

        but here anyway

        http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/business/items/200908/s2667994.htm [abc.net.au]
        ALI MOORE: Last time we spoke five months ago you said that I should buy a farm and a gun because things are going to get bad. I assume that's to be self-sufficient. So from what you're saying, though, we have around 12 to 18 months where you see there be some opportunities for room in the equity market and room in the economy and then we batten down the hatches because it's bad for a lo

        • Getting it now (I have to download to view vids)

          I like this latest reply to the vid at youtube,(OK, just finished watching it now, the machine gun part is intact) understandable even with a few typos

          This credit driven system fully supported and triggered by globalization is phony and the system will collapse eventually.
          There is no way it can continue, no way .. This is what Marc Faber talks about.
          No sociery can survice without producing, no society can survive if it does not produce competitve products. Federal Reserve destroyed US, ECB will destroy Europe they are all money printers at the behest of the same masters. It is going to end badly .. Very badly

          And what always happens when kings/rulers/empires get in trouble..they start a buncha foreign and internal wars. Every single time. That's the ugly part that is coming. The wars we have now are minor compared to those that are coming.

          I think Michio Kaku is correct [mkaku.org], it is rare in the Universe for a type 0 civiliz

OS/2 must die!
