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XBox (Games)

Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: Super Bowl 7

I am very much looking forward to the Super bowl this weekend and will be perfectly happy with either team winning. I will be rooting for the Saints, but I think Manning and the Colts will be too much for them. I know there are lots of inclinations that this will be a high scoring affair, but I think there will be enough missed opportunities to keep the scoring reasonable.

Final Score:

Saints -- 27
Colts -- 31

PS- My random, bold prediction: Manning will score a rushing TD on a naked bootleg near the goal line.
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Super Bowl

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  • should be fun - as I'm in the same boat. I don't care too much who wins, sort of pulling for the Colts.

    • I have some very good friends who are pulling for the Colts and a co-worker I know pretty well who is from Indianapolis is way going for them. It's fun talking to her about it because she is a total NFL geek. She beat her boyfriend and 7 other football guys in her fantasy league, too. By a lot;-)

      The game is way better with a group of people, too.
  • I'm with you, brotha. I'm actually a Pats fan, which means = sworn enemy of Colts. Hope your prediction pans out.

No problem is so large it can't be fit in somewhere.
