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Journal The Fun Guy's Journal: 194.7 Awake, drunk, sad 3

Title of the journal entry pretty much says it all.

You can drink Bacardi Special Reserve Dark, the kind of stuff that comes with a ribbon around the neck of the bottle. You can sip it from a French crystal highball glass, with ridges cut so fine you could shave with them. Every swallow can burn your lips and melt your tongue like the memory of your first kiss, the fumes rising through your head like a sunrise over a frozen lake.

And in the end, you will be what you have been so often in the past.

Drunk and sad.

Therapy is really, really, really fucking exhausting. Like having one of your long bones broken so that it can be reset, properly this time.

You know the shit of it?

It's all voluntary.

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194.7 Awake, drunk, sad

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  • Yeah. It sucked when I started, but its been worth it. I realized it is really just exercising your emotions. We all lift with our emotions throughout the day even when we don't notice it. Therapists are kind of like personal trainers, teaching you how to carry those emotions over the day so you don't hurt yourself, and you're not weighed down.

    Good luck and hang in there!
    • It's funny, the therapist used exactly the same analogy of starting therapy like starting an exercise program. It's exhausting, it hurts, and it goes on and on with no visible changes. Then, after six months, you realize that you are in much better shape that you ever were in your life.

      I'm still just at the painful and exhausting part. The rest is still just a hopeful analogy at this point.

      • Oh it will happen. I've found life to be much better because of my having gone through therapy. I've also found it's helped my writing, too. Makes it easier to understand internal motivations:-)

        On a rum note, Myers Dark Rum is very good, as is Cruzan Blackstrap.

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