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Journal Pirx Danford's Journal: Virtual space station sold for 330 000 US $

The world record sale for a virtual item was surpassed yesterday by the avatar known as Buzz Erik Lightyear,
when he acquired a very special piece of property.
For the incredible amount of 330 000 US $ the space station Crystal Palace has been won by Buzz in the ingame auction system of Entropia Universe.

From now on Buzz Erik Lightyear can set a hunting tax in the 4 domes in the space station,
which is inhabited by two unique creatures known as Aurli and Kreltin.

Crystal Palace was not newly introduced,
but was part of the game for a long time already and quite a lot of the All Time High loots have been dropped there.

Even though Entropia Universe just lived through a rough transition to the Cry Engine 2 platform
and not all previous game systems have been reenabled,
this news surely will draw quite some attention to the game.
With freshly polished graphics, a much better technical framework and a lot of planet partners,
ready to launch their own unique worlds to compete with the as of yet only planet Calypso,
there are exciting times ahead as well for the players of Entropia Universe and the companies behind it.

Entropia Universe is likewise to Second Life a real cash economy or short RCE based game,
which means you can not only put cash in but if you are lucky or smart you can also withdraw real money to your bank account.
Unlike Second Life the ingame currency has a fixed conversion rate of 10 PED (Project Entropia Dollar) to 1 US Dollar,
but is much closer game wise to traditional MMOs meaning players can not create own content as much as in Second Life.

The player who won the auction was known previously as one of the best crafters within the game,
like with Chuck Norris jokes there was a real bunch of sayings around of what Buzz Erik Lightyear could achieve.
Free citation: "When Mindark wanted to create the world they asked Buzz to craft it for them."

With a long known player in well standings like Buzz Erik Lightyear the space station Crystal Palace is now in competent hands.

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Virtual space station sold for 330 000 US $

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