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Journal t0qer's Journal: Spelling nazi's, my foes are out to get me, ect. 4

A few weeks back I noticed someone downmodding every comment I made, and this annoying anonymous coward kept following me around saying "T0qer doesn't know shit!"

By the writing style, I know it's the same guy.

Well, I've worked extra hard on my comments the last few weeks, spelling and gramatical errors aside i've managed to pull some really good stuff from my life experience. I'm close to my last 20 comments being +5's. I turned 30 a few days ago, now I can say without a doubt, i've experienced a good portion of life, and nobody can tell me different at this point..

Going back to my haters though..

If any of my foes are reading my journal, WTF is your problem with me? Everything I write is usually truth seasoned a bit with my own personal experiences. Why is it you have such a problem with what I say that everytime you get mod points, despite what I write you just mod me down?

I know i'm different, hell we're all different. We probably both love technology and computers, but outside of that I know we're as individual as everyone else out here.

One of the most important differences between me and most people is, I don't believe in being a fanatic. I don't believe in telling people what they are doing is wrong unless it's physically hurting someone. My neighbor could don some pink underwear and walk around in high heels all day and as long as he didn't do it in my house I wouldn't care.

Trying to convince somebody that their thinking is wrong is wrong if they don't hurt anybody. See the homeless man? Why should he get a job? He's happy collecting cans, panhandling, and digging in dumpsters for food. Yah he may be a blight, and annoying as all fuck, but you don't have to live with him, or work with him, you can simply choose to either give him some change or walk past him.

Some of you people, I just don't understand...

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Spelling nazi's, my foes are out to get me, ect.

Comments Filter:
  • Seriously, don't take comments like that to heart. It only strokes the egos of the /. village idiots.
  • Your last post on "Why are nerds unpopular" was interesting enough that I followed you into your journal.

    Don't overlook the value of therapy though ...

    Add one more friend to your list.

    I was 4' 8" tall my freshman year of high school. Big afro that looked like the guy on "Welcome Back Kotter".

    And one of the smartest kids in class.

    You do the math ;-)

From Sharp minds come... pointed heads. -- Bryan Sparrowhawk
