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Journal The Fun Guy's Journal: 192.0 Trying to get psyched

PowerPoint for Beijing - just finished, locked and loaded.
Tickets for Beijing - pretty much confirmed, I hope.
Hotel in Beijing - almost entirely certain the reservations are OK.
Meeting requested by U.S. Embassy in Beijing - scheduled, name added to the security checklist.
Map of Beijing, emergency phrase book - Barnes and Nobled.

PowerPoint for Washington D.C. - not even started yet.

I fly back home late on Oct 17, sleep and celebrate my son's 11th birthday on the 18th, then drive down to D.C. to give a talk at a meeting on the 19th. I'm not going to have time to do the presentation after I get back, so I need to do it before.

And to do that, I need to switch mental gears.

And to do THAT... I need another cup of coffee.

Man, I'm tired.

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192.0 Trying to get psyched

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Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
