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United States

Journal pudge's Journal: Obama Is Gonna Brainwash Your Kids! 2

I don't know what President Obama is going to say to schoolkids this week. I do know, however, that when a parent or politician expresses concerns that Obama might try to indoctrinate them with socialist propaganda, there's good reasons for it. Start with the fact that Obama's own web site last year said that he would require middle and high school students to do public service (which is a violation of the constitutional prohibition on slavery), and then onto the fact that Obama's teaching materials for this week's speech ask students to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president [sic]" and so on; but I don't want to help the President, and don't want to encourage anyone else to do so, either, unless you happen to work for him, or you share his agenda and want to see it accomplished.

Obviously, our children should not be considered Obama's employees, or tools to further his agenda.

Maybe Obama will just innocuously say (wasting taxpayer dollars to do it) that kids should study hard, stay in school, and help their communities and families. But don't attack people for thinking there may be a more sinister agenda.

Cross-posted on <pudge/*>.

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Obama Is Gonna Brainwash Your Kids!

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  • by Shakrai ( 717556 )

    I've reserved judgment on it until I see what he says. I don't have any kids so there isn't much else I can do. If I had them I'd probably be pulling them from this event. Most of the schools in our area have provided parents with a way to opt out of this event.

    That lesson plan is interesting to say the least. "What is the President asking us to do? What can we do to help the President?" I find the notion of a President asking citizens of any age to "help him" to be a tad bit offensive. Unless our c

    • I hope the lesson plan was drawn up by some low level political appointee and doesn't reflect the direction of the actual speech.

      I suspect the lesson plan was drawn up by some whatever level political appointee and does reflect the actual mindset of the president.

      I.e. it's not what they back down from that I fear, it's what remains that will cause them to just try again in another way.

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