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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: A Goon Is Still A Goon..Even If She's Hot In A ...

...Nasty, S&M Fastasy Kinda Way

This new TLC channel TV cop reality show Police Women of Broward County proves the old adage that putting lipstick on pig doesn't change the fact that it's a pig. I mean come on now; who except men infatuated with S&M bondage scenarios and who likely dream about being hassled, wrestled down, tasered and cuffed by hot looking female cops would even watch this kind of shit?

Analyzed from a socio-political perspective what this show is really about is psycho-sexualizing America's ever growing repression apparatus. So says Radly Balko one of my favorite civil liberties bloggers.

"The most obvious criticism of these shows" says Balko "is their exploitation and general tackiness. Police work is reduced to clownish pranks, adrenalin-inducing raids, and telegenic lady cops edited to invoke S&M fantasies for the shlubs watching at home. No one expects much dignity from cable networks, but you'd think, for example, that the Broward County Sheriff's Department might object to the sexualization of its female officers, or to a national ad campaign insinuating that they're sporting itchy Taser fingers."

And so it goes. Bottom line: Hot looking cop or not, being tasered hurts and it isn't any fun at all unless you're a pathological masochist, and I don't mean that in a good way either. Any guy who would really be into this kinda thing would be better advised to find a dominatrix who does this kinda thing for pay and not provoke cops to manhandle them just for cheap thrills. See, jail is no fun either. Unless you're into it I guess.

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A Goon Is Still A Goon..Even If She's Hot In A ...

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