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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: New DHS laptop search policy: crap sandwich, fancier bread

I saw the headline featured above for a blog post at Ars Technia today and it really caught my eye. That's the kind of honest but still sexy sort of reportage that makes reading a blog post or news story seem essential and important. Mainstream media (esp. newspapers) please take note! I heard a big-shot MSM person being interviewed on PBS one time say when she was an editor-trainee at a big time East Coast urban daily paper she was told that three things you didn't want in a headline were the words "Bank/s", "CIA" or "State Department" (either individually or in combination) because the readership's eyes glazed over signaling a "terminally boring alert" had been received by the brain and they just turn the page with out reading the story. I laughed out loud when I heard that remark! Boy howdy! Ain't that the truth.
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New DHS laptop search policy: crap sandwich, fancier bread

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