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Journal Dave2 Wickham's Journal: Bloat 0.5 Released 2

Well, I overcame the problems I had with bunzip2 and uncompress (thanks sibn) and 0.5 is now out! If you use bloat, I'd recommend the upgrade. From the "press release":

Bloat 0.5 has just been released - get it whilst it's hot! This version has had major code changes since 0.4, and hopefully is much better and cleaner than previous versions.
The biggest change in this version of bloat is the removal of the reliance on hard-coded paths. 0.5 first checks for the tool in the PATH variable, then - if it cannot find it - checks one hardcoded destination. This should pick up the vast majority of configurations out there. The check funtion has also been reimplemented.
Support for autopackage has been vastly improved, Webmin has been fixed (it always used to assume tar/gz), and two new formats - RAR and ARJ - have been implemented.
For those who like technical documentation, POD (Plain Old Documentation) has been added. This can be easily converted into man, HTML and many other formats.
Filename detection has also been vastly improved since 0.4 - it is now case-insensitive.

UPDATE: Helps if I give you URLs... Bloat's Site, and Download Page.

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Bloat 0.5 Released

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