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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: My Current Favorite Sci-Fi TV Programs

This list is the stuff I watch on Hulu and other places and includes shows that have long since been canceled from production. No particular order here just my list.

1. The Colony - A reality TV show were cast members do an urban survival scenario situated in a simulated post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. (Discovery Channel)

2. Warehouse 13 - A riff on the old X-Files series and wherein two mismatched US Secret Service agents are assigned to round up and store in a remote South Dakota warehouse mysterious artifacts. (SyFy channel)

3. Defying Gravity - The story of group of astronauts bound for Mars and Venus in the near future and their various personal back stories and the strange effects on them of a mysterious artifact recovered from a previous expedition to Mars. (ABC)

4. Fringe - Another riff on X-Files wherein an FBI agent and some rogue scientist-types try to tackle a mysterious techno-terror group that can move through dimensions.(Fox)

5. The Sarah Connors Chronicles - A continuation of the Terminator series set in present day Los Angeles. Ran for two seasons before Fox canceled it. (Season 1 on Hulu)

6. Dollhouse - The story of a sinister group that takes "volunteers" and reprograms them mentally in order to take on various tasks and who are being tracked by a suspended FBI agent. (Fox)

7. Dresden Files - The story of a magical wizard who help the police track down odd crimes involving the occult. It lasted one season on the SciFi channel and now on Hulu.

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My Current Favorite Sci-Fi TV Programs

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