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OK now, if you're so smart

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  • OK now, if you're so smart... Tell me what you believe, and why I should believe it too. Anything at all.

    The question is illogical and counter productive, and gives far to little information to base an answer on.

    Smart no. The premise is faulty here.
    First of all I'm not smart. OK, well I never thought I was smart. I've never gotten good marks in school (well that last time I was in college I did pretty good, but that's probably because I had a lot of experience and motivation behind me). I certainly make a lot of mistakes; mainly involved with my short term memory (I think they call it working memory these days

  • I believe that when I wake up from this dream you will no longer exist. You must believe it because you can't prove to me that I am not dreaming you. Your whole life is a figment of my imagination, though sometimes I wonder why I even bother conversing with my hallucinations. I should read the Interpretation of Dreams by Dr. Sigmund Freud, M.D. to figure things out. Maybe when I wake up, but that's going to be too bad for YOU!

  • I believe that people are physical, mental, and spiritual creatures.
    You'll agree we've flesh.
    You'll agree there is a mind, however you want to work the definition. At that level, there is no way to communicate my subject in an unambiguous way. There is neither means nor motive to overcome your free will and coerce you to pursue the truth that is the Christ. We could as soon legislate water to flow uphill, which I would not put past the Congress.
    Spritually, I can tell you that ye olde Jewish peasant re
    • Dude, peasants work a feud in service of a noble lord. The word you need is "tradesman" and then "itinerant preacher."

    • I believe that people are physical, mental, and spiritual creatures.

      I believe in that too. But I am not here to tell PFM he should.

      But, getting back to the topic: I believe I'll have a beer.

      Believe it- cause it is true.

      And you should have a beer too, because I said so.

      But the reason you should believe that _I_ will have a beer, is that in these matters, I am very good at predicting the future.

      • But I am not here to tell PFM he should.

        He asked. I described, but never prescribed.

        • I never thought you would prescribe, nor meant to imply such. I used the term "but" only in the context that I was replying to 2 posts, the original post of PMF, and your post in the thread. Perhaps I should have said, "I believe that people are as you say. And I have another way of answering the original post." My meaning was obscured by my poor choice of words. Sorry about that.

  • I believe that Flatland needs to be read again. I believe that the non-material and spiritual dimension some refer to cannot be understood with the intellect, but can be metaphorically "tasted", by parable. I believe the founders of the great religious and spiritual traditions "returned" to this shadowland, like the return to flatland. I believe that the followers of these traditions - not having left the plane of physical existence - revere parable and secondary attributes of enlightenment, like South Se

  • I don't believe in diddley squat.

I program, therefore I am.
