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Funny, she doesn't LOOK like a bigot...

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  • Nazi Germany nationalized health care, so I guess its appropriate to praise Adolf Hitler as its founding father. []. There's a good book out there, can't remember its name, that explains how Liberals are Fascists.

    • Godwins Law invoked. STFU now, k tnx bai.

    • Ummmm, Hitler tried to eliminate the national health care that his predecessors already had put into place.

      Now, with that book recommendation, you're just fucking with me. You must know how fucking stupid that book is.

    • They were the first to have interstate highways as well, yet every state begs at the trough for more highway money with no fear of being labeled a nazi.

      Liberals do tend to be for bigger government, which is a worry if you're worried about facism, but the last conservative administration added more to government than the last 3 liberal administrations combined, including some of the most obvious hallmarks of facism: surveillance of citizens without cause, arrests on suspicion with no trials, constant harping

      • And the military is not a part of government? And conservatives don't try to grow that as fast as they can?

        And the slogans of bigger government/smaller government are meaningless?

        • Well, Public Choice economics basically says that all politicians have been corrupted by the ability to spend gov't money to provide services for constituents: it's not about how good a person your congresscritter is, not about the prinicpled stands they take, it's about their ability to bring home the bacon. A logical outgrowth of that corruption is a forever-increasing gov't. Everyone does it.

          I don't think a large military in itself is a problem; the funny thing is, democrats tend to have the "better" mil

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