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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Too few of you got this 27

Racism is a systematic injustice with a racial attribute.

Racism is about INJUSTICE. The racial attribute is only a descriptor of how the injustice is expressed.

Now, the second part.

Everybody gets a chance to define the word JUSTICE.

After that, we can either fight or fuck, your choice.

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Too few of you got this

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  • "Racism" is just a colloquialism for ethnocentrism. It really has no meaning outside of celebrity talk shows, bar room conversations and other social or quasi-social situations. It has about the same relevance to reality as the term "moron" does to a modern day psychologist.

    There does seem to be a genetic propensity to group people as outsiders and insiders, and so the more shallow observer would put rather broad labels on these observations. During the civil war in the country formerly known as Prince, ooo

    • You are obviously white.

      Try and be black. For real, in your mind, and not defensive.

      Try and of through the exercise of applying for a job. 100 times, without success.

      Figure out why the ratio of blacks in prison is so high - [].

      If you don't succeed at this, at understanding how deeply and unconsciously a cultural and institutional anti-black discrimination is built into the US society - then you have no business commenting on race or racism. It's like someone without

      • I wasn't going to respond to a Troll. But taking the ignorant and colloquial use of the word "racism" I would say that it is people who blame Jews and White people for their problems who are racist.

  • 1.
    An example will suffice:
    Justice is spending enormous sums of money defending your right to an inheritance and winning that fight, and then giving that money to the person who wanted to take it from you (minus the legal fees). That is both justice and the justice system in action, as demonstrated by Baruch Spinoza and his fight with his greedy sister.

    Justice is an abstraction that exists in people's imaginations. It is contrived in the "limbic system" of the brain.

    The administration of law; the act of

    • The dickshunary sucks.

      Come on, think about it. What is justice?

      "If you want peace, work for justice" - HL Menken

      What the fuck was he talking about? What is this justice, which when worked for, will bring about peace, according to Menken?

      • Come on, think about it. What is justice?

        It doesn't seem like you've put a lot of thought into what I said. Consider definition 2. (which is my own definition btw),

        Justice is an abstraction that exists in people's imaginations. It is contrived in the "limbic system" of the brain.

        Above all the psychological projections, justice will be an individual and personal construct. It is an abstraction; it does not exist outside of these definitions or psychological states. It is illusory to think otherwise.

        On a more personal level, justice can be thought of as vengeance (i.e. the serrated knife), but it can be as personal and individual as definition number one that I

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Your definition, as read, would mean the actions of a would-be Klan member, who hasn't joined up yet, who goes off and kills Barack and Michele's kids because the Obamas are black, are not racist, because there's nothing systematic about what he's doing.

      GOOD QUESTION, but we're not yet at the journal where I ask people to define what a racist is. That one should be easy, I think.

      Now, systematic when I use it here means that racism is how the system works. Nobody has to make any decisions here. The system i

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • I'm not conflating terms. I'm presenting a view of racism which may or may not be the same as what you are familiar with. If you choose to interpret what I am presenting in terms of a view you are already familiar with, your results may vary.

          We haven't talked about what makes a racist yet, and we haven't talked about how an individual burning a cross in another individual's lawn fits into the scheme of things.

  • that component without which love drifts off into soppy sentimentality.
    See []
    Shifting gears from the theological to a more engineering-based argument, justice is the desired operating state of society, and a justice system is a [] driving wayward elements of society to that operating point.

    Chewing on your answer, "racism is
    • How can you have 'systematic injustice' without having made decisions based upon someone's DNA?

      Balls roll downhill without anybody making decisions based on roundness. Another result based on the structure of the system of a ball and a hill.

      • Oh, so you're a firm believer in the bureaucratic impulse do diffuse responsibility through policy.
        What should be done with you is to place you in something like a military position where you actually have to make lead, make decisions, and be held accountable for your non-accomplishment of assigned tasks.
        You'd be a million-hit wonder on YouTube.
  • Is key. You got it on the head.

    Racism exploits prejudice - but is not merely simple bigotry.

"If that makes any sense to you, you have a big problem." -- C. Durance, Computer Science 234
