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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: Tasers Don't Kill - "Excited Delirium" Does 1

"Excited delirium" is a recently discovered medical condition newly discovered by researchers in the pay of the police products industry. WTF? This reminds me of the old Tobacco Institute a research group wholly funded by the tobacco companies that could never seem to find any scientific evidence that tobacco use was injurious to people's health. Odd eh? Not IMHO. Who pays the piper calls the tune.
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Tasers Don't Kill - "Excited Delirium" Does

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  • Let's say that "Taser International" finds evidence that 50% of emphysema sufferers die 1 hour after tasering, but live on average 4 years without tasering.

    1. Explain why Taser International should implement a policy to not taser volunteers with emphysema.

    2. Explain why police officers will be found "not guilty" when sued thereafter for tasering demonstrators with emphysema who died 1 hour later.

    Welcome to the real world.

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
