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  • 1. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
    2. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

    Waka waka

    • See the other response where I compare racism to height-ism.

      The definition of what racism is must account for why a woman can refuse to marry a short man because he's short and nobody thinks that's weird. Substitute "black" for "short" and it's not sounding very good any more.

      WHY? WHY?

      This is a sign that the definition is not yet complete. Keep going.

      • I've seen this argument before, but usually in reference to fat or bald people. Some prejudices are just socially acceptable while others aren't, that has nothing to do with the definition of the terms involved.

        If you're going to try and make an anthropological argument out of it, you could argue all sorts of things. Height-ism or fat-ism or bald-ism in relation to marriage or sex are prejudices that are probably invoked in response to biological processes that trigger repulsion based on potential mating co

        • I know the definition. I'm just seeing if anybody else can simply include the word "injustice" or something close in their definitions.

          Instead I'm getting all this "making decisions based on skin color or DNA" or some crap like that.

        • Shortness is often associated diminished physical strength; baldness can be indicative of nutrient deficiencies, poor stress coping, etc.; and being overweight is a general marker for all sorts of potential health complications and diseases.

          You seem to be missing out on the fact that these attributes (whether they are good or bad) are based in culture, and not in a genetic system. Baldness for example is indicative of higher testosterone levels, and shortness and skin colour often have more to do with arbitrary phenotypic attractiveness than anything genetic. There is one ethnic group in India who finds girls with very hairy eyebrows to be beautiful, and so these girls are more capable of passing on their genetic attributes than less hairy gir

          • these attributes (whether they are good or bad) are based in culture, and not in a genetic system.

            That's actually irrelevant. The definition of racism which I put forth indicates that injustice is the operative factor. When you're talking about racism, you're merely describing the axis of injustice.

            Is it injustice along the axis of race? Racism
            The axis of sex? Sexism
            The axis of wealth? Class division.

            and so on.

            It doesn't matter what the axis consists of. It's the injustice that's important.

            • The definition of racism which I put forth indicates that injustice is the operative factor.

              It's a problem of definitions (which I alluded to in your more recent journal), and how the human brain tries to seek out patterns, amongst other things. It's a fairly vague and antiquated term that has the ability to mean different things to different people. Sort of like the words "liberal" and "conservative" (which I generally tend to use only rhetorically), these terms have pretty much become useless for any type of intelligent and informed discussion.

              • So there is no way to distinguish a superior definition from an inferior one? Our brains surely seek out patterns. What is the signal of a true pattern?

                • So there is no way to distinguish a superior definition from an inferior one?

                  I'm not sure. It all depends on the criteria one uses. Merely asking somebody to define "justice" is quite useless other than perhaps a mere exercise. From a pragmatic viewpoint it will be defined by the people "in charge". In the case of this journal, I could presume that you get to be the final arbiter in this matter.

                  There have been many books, courses of study, and centuries of thought on the topic. I'm sure what I happen to say on the matter will have little relevance, and that my thoughts would be quic

                  • Oh well, I was thinking we were talking in the "Justice" JE, but I do think my reply is still relevant. In terms of definitions, if the premise is faulty, then nothing logical can come of it. "Racism" is based on the concept of "race" which any biologist will tell you is a fictional attribute of the human species. One cannot argue about something that does not exist, though people do it all the time. Process is not substance.

      • Short or tall isn't race. Neither is fat, or thin. If it's racist to not want to date someone who's ascetically unpleasing, then we are ALL racist.

        Would you date a fat woman (or man, if that's your thing) in their 60's? Is ageism a valid complaint now, too?

        You confuse racism with discrimination - discrimination is only bad when people of color say it is now. </SARCASM>

        • Race is as irrelevant as height. It's just a physical characteristic.

          Racism is not height-ism. They are different, because height and race are different.

          But height and race are both equivalent as irrelevant physical characteristics. Thus, height-ism and racism should have the same weight and be just as bad as the other. But they are not. Clearly a supermodel who won't marry a black man is far worse than a supermodel who won't marry a man who is shorter than her. One is approaching evil, the other is just sh

  • the game is rigged, but it is the only game in town...

    the gist of racism is that it is one of many forms of treatment of others that can give lie to the truth that god loves us all equivalently, and is based on evaluation of "race" (as you define, but here goes:), essentially a "judgment" of the genes each person got, through no fault or choice, from their parents, due to where in the world they or their parents ad infinitum grew up, as a result of natural selection...

    Alright, I made my bet...

    if I am wrong

    • Ooooh! You're making me cum.

      So far you're the closest. Right on it, actually.

      The word I'm looking for is "injustice". That's what you mean when you wrote that the game is rigged.

      Racism is systematic injustice against a group of people based on their race.

      The places where you got it wrong are:

      -using the word judgement: Judgement's aren't necessary. Often, judgements or decisions aren't even involved. The problem is structural. When a ball rolls downhill, that's structural. The ball at no time decides to roll

      • Ooooh! ...

        So far you're the closest. Right on it, actually.

        Kewl! Do I get a prize?

        The word I'm looking for is "injustice". That's what you mean when you wrote that the game is rigged.

        Actually, it is kind of funny. I did not mean that the racism game is rigged, though it is, I meant that YOUR game is rigged, because you can make it up as you go along. But, as I blundered into being THE BEST, even though the game is rigged, I like it when I WIN!

        Racism is systematic injustice against a group of people based on their race.

        Your definitions are all rather circular, and therefore would not meet my definition of a definition.

        The places where you got it wrong are:

        -using the word judgement: Judgement's aren't necessary. Often, judgements or decisions aren't even involved. The problem is structural. When a ball rolls downhill, that's structural. The ball at no time decides to roll downhill.

        I will buy that judgement is not the best choice if you tell me what a better choice is. Saying something is structural?

        • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

          Your definitions are all rather circular, and therefore would not meet my definition of a definition.

          How is it circular?

          Injustice always has a discriminator. The name of the injustice is determined by the discriminator. Injustice with a racial discriminator is racism.

          It's not circular. Circular definitions have the word they are trying to define in the definition. I have not used the word racism in the definition of racism. Racial is not racism.

          see, this illustrates what I mean by saying the game is rigged.

    • But what's the big deal? DNA based decision making isn't either good or bad.

      The fact that a decision is made for a bad reason doesn't explain why racism in particular is so bad.

      And so what if one person happens to hate someone else because of their skin color? And so what if one person actually refuses to hire a black person because of their skin color?

      Do you really think that black people are all that concerned about a single white person that doesn't like them? Do you really think that black people really

      • How, in the context of racism, have I possibly made a decision pertaining to you without having rendered a judgment based upon you DNA?
        I suspect your "DNA based decision making isn't either good or bad" is a precursor to an attempt to justify nonsense like Affirmative Action, as we attempt to say "racism is OK when the government manages it", thereby perpetuating injustice.
        If we deify government, and launder our sins through that God, we can undertake horrible evil and feel great about it.
        Fantastic work,
        • Racism doesn't depend on you or anyone else making a judgement.

          Look, you're not going to get any of this, so you might as well shut your yap. Your only hope is to read, not talk, you ignorant slut.

          • So nonsensical on so many levels.
            Next you're going to explain to me that an if() statement in a programming language doesn't make a decision based upon the predicate within the parenthesis.
            But thanks for the Dan Akroyd reference. It's best for you to remain amusing while you spew hogwash.
            • You have no understanding, and you're not even trying to understand.

              It's no big deal though, because you aren't even capable of understanding.

              Remember, you're the guy who thinks that fascism is a liberal ideology. That's fucking stupid, and so are you.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • It's when some uppity wise latina woman tries to take an important job in defiance of the wishes of a fat, rich, white man on TV.

      It's not possible, and if someone can actually figure out what racism is, it can be shown.

      It's pretty damn lousy that nobody can define a term that has such importance to the USA. Doesn't anybody think about anything at all?

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • You missed the word "injustice" in there somewhere

          If this were just about bad treatment, then racism wouldn't be any big deal at all. Everybody gets treated badly, one time or another.

          Injustice is the key. You can't describe what racism is without understanding and using the concept of justice.

          That's why my next diary asks what the definition of justice is.

interlard - vt., to intersperse; diversify -- Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language
