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Journal benad's Journal: mencoder: who cares about the GUI?

This week has been, again, crazy. But in the "pauses" between those days, I sumbled upon the updated versions of mplayer and mencoder.

The GUI of those are not great, but the command-line programs that handle the "real" work are the same as on Linux. I repeat, the same. Yes, I can play MP4s, DivX, and all those crazy AVI files. At last. And rip in one step a DVD to a DivX/MP3 AVI file.

I'm still playing with the photos from CUSEC (see my Jan. 20 entry). They'll be up soon.

- Benad

This discussion was created by benad (308052) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

mencoder: who cares about the GUI?

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