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Journal timothy's Journal: Decadent breakfast

Breakfast started last night: I was too hungry to sleep, even after a nice dinner (bok choi, 2 corn tortillas w/ 1 oz cheese, fruit salad, one scoop ice cream, OJ, pineapple juice), so I ate the rest of the danish I'd meant to have for breakfast. But it was after midnight, so I had it "in the morning." Probably ... oh, not sure. 300 cals?

Actual breakfast-time breakfast:
- 8 or 10 prunes (120 cals, maybe)
- bunch of cherries
- lime yogurt (90 cals)
- one matzoh (110 cals)
- one ounce of cheddar (110 cals)
- water

And while it was more than I meant to eat, yesterday I did ambulate 4+ miles, as follows:
- 1 mile walking
- 2 miles alternating 500m and then 300m. (That is, for less unit mixing, 5/16 of a mile running, then 3/16 walking, then repeat, repeat, etc.)
- 1 mile walking
- a bit more, to the house of some friends, where I accepted w/ glee one bite of Chicago-style pizza, from a place called the Wallingford Pizza House. Quite good!

Next meal will probably be a mix of broccoli and the remaining bok choi, plus tortillas (maybe just one + half-oz cheese, which makes 100 cals), plus cherries. Might add some black coffee, too.

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Decadent breakfast

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