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Journal timothy's Journal: Great and interesting dreams!

I had two interesting, detailed dreams today! And then promptly forgot them. So instead, there's this one of the other day, which is clearly inspired by things like reading David Friedman:

I dreamed that I visited a friend at an apartment building in a big U.S. city. (NYC? Chicago?) The apt bldg had a sort of bouncer / security guard, who charged a fee to visitors as they left, for no visible reasons, other than that he was slightly intimidating.

Mostly because I didn't feel like causing trouble for my friend, I was resigned to paying the not-quite-thug his nine dollars, even though I resented it and knew it was just petty extortion. It was a sort of compromise that the residents had reached, which was considered normal: the guy really did exert an influence against intruders, but he constantly squeezed what he could from innocents, too.

However, when I gave him a 20-dollar bill, he handed me back only $1 in change. I protested; he denied that I'd paid him with a $20. So, we got in a fight, and I prevailed. I *should* have tried to get back my whole $20, or other people's money and given it back to them as well, but a) I had in fact agreed to pay the $9 initially, even if that was dumb and b) only on reflection (within the dream) did the larger unfairness sink in; mostly I was mad because he'd just baldly ripped me off, and I wanted to get my correct change back. So, once I had my $11 back, I was content to stop, and pleased that I had won.

This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Great and interesting dreams!

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Use the Force, Luke.
