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Journal timothy's Journal: Breakfast of Champion

(reheated) rolled-grain cereal, cooked w/ a bit of soup stock in addition to the water, 160 cals
1 boiled egg, 75 cals
1/4 cup black beans 50 cals
6 oz pineapple juice (@18cal/oz) + 1 oz ginger ale (10 cal - can this be right? That's what Canada Dry says ...) over ice. (so, eh, maybe 120 cals)
I'm going to round it (slightly) down to 400 cals.

I think this would be a good breakfast before a day of hard labor. Not greasy, and the rolled grain cereal is like a time-release capsule. The beans improve the texture / contrast, too.

Lunch, likely will be bok choi steamed w/ vingar / soy, and a corn-tortilla quesedilla, along w/ the remaining black beans (perhaps a tablespoon) mixed w/ a bit of feta, and a small fruit salad consisting of pineapple and strawberry, probably half a banana, too. Pineapple (canned) is cheap, tasty, and much lower in calories than I realized -- makes a good sort of pickle on the side of savory items, too. I am not about to start putting it on cottage cheese, though.

EDIT: Indeed! Bok choi, brie quesedilla w/ a bit of red onion, fruit salad (w/ one scoop of coconut ice cream), 2 oz of pineapple juice, water.

One benefit of all this nonsense: My semi-boring, semi-varied diet food plan I think is saving me money on food ;) The staples of my (loose) regime are:

Beans: cheap, whether canned or dry, but canned is way easier
Cheese (expensive, but I'm eating only small amounts)
Broccoli, other greens: quite cheap
Cottage cheese (as opposed to actual cheese)
Fruit juice (cheap because in small quantities)
Hot cereal
Fruit (cheapish now because it's summer, but by flowing w/ sales, not so bad the year around)
Theoretically, rice is on this list -- I even just bought some brown rice -- but I've not yet gotten around to cleaning my rice cooker. I hope it is salvageable.

No meat (incl. fish) for the stuff that's at-home ingredients, though when I go out I'm not an abstainer on this front. Eggs and dairy are obviously OK, though.

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Breakfast of Champion

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