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Journal timothy's Journal: The condemned man's last meal (of the day)

Last meal of the day was the largest, as is my preference. It's a lot easier to sleep when I'm only a bit hungry rather than extremely hungry.

- 1 quesedilla: (2 small corn tortillas,* 1 ounce cheddar, bits of red onion) @ 200 cals
- broccoli: microsteamed, w/ 1 teaspoon butter, vinegar: @ 100(?) cals
- 1/2 cup cottage cheese @ 80 cals
- 6 oz carrots @ 70 cals
- 10 oz OJ, 8 oz tea, water, ice @ 150 cals
- small scoop ice cream + banana + 12 cherries: @ 200(?) cals

= around 800 cals in total

The three previous meals of the day were all smaller, snacks were a few rice crackers @ 45cals, one banana, and carrots, and one even-smaller scoop of ice cream; the all-day total I guesstimate was just about 2000 cals. Perhaps even slightly more, but since my current system is still "about half what I'd like to eat" that's at least not a cardinal sin.

Also, went running / walking, total of 5 miles. The first three miles were alternating my own uniquely slow jog 400m and even slower walk for 400m. 6 of each = 3 miles (and I had one extra 100m run at the end of the last running phase). Except for that 100m, the last 2 miles were all walking. The pain of this locomotion was mitigated by the sounds of: Sam Spade, Private Eye (a fairly weak episode, sort of an April Fool's Day feel to it), New Order, Reese Witherspoon (as June Carter) and the scintillating wit of Mike Munger and Russ Roberts discussing the business logic of car dealerships. Interesting stuff! See, as I often recommend.

Left hip hurt after a while, both knees were a bit sore (not screaming, though), and calves as well as thighs felt pretty abused. But, according to the health freaks, that's awesome! I need to do some more biking to round out the pain -- pushups, too.

* I used to wonder how anyone could eat corn tortillas -- they seemed some mix of dry, rubbery, granular, and bitter. However, as my friend Paula demonstrated, when they are heated over an open flame, and browned a bit, they take on a totally different character. The smell is like popcorn. I'll take an unheated flour tortilla over an unheated corn one, but if there's a gas stove available, corn wins by a landslide.

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The condemned man's last meal (of the day)

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