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First coffee, then obesity, now...

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  • Tracey Johnstone, owner of Johnstone Foods, said she never before had a bagel complaint and had no idea how it could have been prepared in a way that would damage teeth.

    I'd like one of the new McBrick Breakfast sandwhichs please.

  • If my teeth getting messed up are cause for stress on our marrage, then it isn't for the right reasons. Although, it reminds me of some court TV drama I saw years ago where they sued the cigar companies for foring a glamous and rich lifestyle on those that read cigar mags. Wish I could remember what show that was....
  • Yeah I saw that one, too -- and it's currently on's front page (and at this durable link []).

    My question: If you put something in your mouth, how can you avoid noticing resistance to your bite? Why would you keep applying force?

If bankers can count, how come they have eight windows and only four tellers?
