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Journal Daniel Dvorkin's Journal: So /. changed the display AGAIN 6

All of a sudden, when I follow links to stories from my user page, I get some ugly-ass layout that doesn't render properly in SeaMonkey. That is, when I go to a story from the front page, I get what I want:


But when I go to the story from my user page, I get this:


Argh. I can figure out the URL I want and enter it manually, of course, but that's ridiculous. Is there anything you can set in the preferences to always get the old-style story layout? I played around with prefs a bit and can't seem to make it stop taking me to something that looks like an IE-specific page ca. 1999 ...

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So /. changed the display AGAIN

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  • Just open both tabs and stick them next to each other. Only surf from the page that renders correctly. Setting prefs seems to be sorta iffy.

    • Well, usually when I want to get to a story from my user page I don't have it open in another tab -- I'm reading replies to my comments and I want to go back and look at the story as a whole. But yeah, "use what works" seems to be the only solution at this point. [sigh] Can we have back the Slashdot of 1999, please? Or even, say, 2004? It doesn't seem too much to ask.

      • Isn't all this stuff open source? I see people in every thread complaining about this or that with slashcode..maybe people who can code can look at it and see what needs fixing. I don't code, so I do that "whatever works" routine. Usually, for slashdot, that is leave javascript and images off most of the time.

        • Slashdot's Slashcode is all being executed on the server; we could hack away at it all day long and come up with our personal version of God's Own Slashcode, but it wouldn't change what we get from http://slashdot.com/ [slashdot.com] one bit. As a practical matter, I do code, but my Perl skills are not of the best -- if Slashcode were written in PHP or Python or, hell, even C, I might take a shot at writing a patch and seeing if I could get it accepted, but with Perl of the complexity of Slashcode I wouldn't try it.

          • And I see that I've been corrupted by the pervasive "if it's not a .com it's not real" mentality, typing "slashdot.com" instead of "slashdot.org" above. How embarrassing. They'll take my F/OSS Geek Membership Card away from me any day now.

  • It's been running this way in beta for a while now; I almost forgot what the old layout looked like (not that it was hugely different).

    I'm not at all a fan of the new changes. But I was hoping they'd work out the niggles before they started pushing it to the people not signed up for the beta. Things like using named anchors to remember the ajax work you've done (I hate it that they break the feature where my browser remembers the page I'm on when I restart it: Slashdot doesn't store state on the URL any l

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
