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Journal The Fun Guy's Journal: 191.7 Movie reviews, career decisions 3

Terminator - not bad.
Angels vs. Demons - dumb.
Wolverine - kinda dumb.

Been mulling this one over - an e.mail came down from on high about a position as a speechwriter & communication coordinator. Duties are to write up briefings, talking points & speeches, handle traditional media interactions, manage social networking outreach, and craft presentations. All of this would be about our science - selling its impact, value and utility.

The job is a temp assignment, up to one year. Job is located ~3 hrs from my house, obviously too far for a daily commute. Though advertised as an open applications, this was probably written with someone local in mind, since they will not pay relo expenses. It's possible that I could do this via telework. Not likely, but possible.

I'm not going to move for a temp assignment, and I can't afford to maintain two domiciles.

Quals are "outstanding" written and oral communication skill, "excellent" conceptualizer, "good" knowledge of science. Must also be flexible, results-oriented and fast.

Deadline is in 2 days.

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191.7 Movie reviews, career decisions

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  • I think you should at elast try. Then if they do offer it to you, tell them that you'll only take it in a telecommuting role. You can drive in for Press Conferences, but you can also talk to the media and create powerpoints as readily in your den as you can in their offices. Granted most managers like having you there for their own insecurity issues, but you can also sell it as a "green" thing. One less hit for the environment!

    Plus, this will lead to you becoming known to the media. From there it is
    • These were my thoughts, too. However, between yesterday and today, had some new developments in this. This opening is one of several. It's been suggested that I'm thinking too small, and that my talents of persuasion would be better applied in other ways.

      While the suggestion of a much more overtly political position has its appeal, I hate the feeling that I'm letting myself get starry-eyed and power hungry all over again.

      • I hate the feeling that I'm letting myself get starry-eyed and power hungry all over again.

        KNowing even the small slice of what it was like last time I can totally udnerstand this. However, I think there are different means of identifying "Power." Management over a group of ill-tempered ilk is different than conveying a message of which you are already passionate. In other words, while that was a very valuable lesson that you learned, just be sure you're not misapplying it and miss an opportunity.

"Facts are stupid things." -- President Ronald Reagan (a blooper from his speeach at the '88 GOP convention)
