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191.0 "It was a dark and stormy night..."

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  • $197.60 is a smoking deal but unfortunately out of my price range. Too bad it isn't one of the publishers that will send me a review copy.
    Speaking of which- your tweet on that sci-fi site editor looking for reviewers ended up being a nice hook-up for me. Thanks.

    • Yeah, that's a chunk of change, but it's a damned big book. One of the better ones, in fact.

      Perhaps unique among reference texts, we chose not to limit to science, but (for example) got one of the leading trial lawyers to write a chapter on product liability law as it applies to food. If you sell a circular saw that spontaneously cuts people's fingers off, even when they use it in the manner in which it was intended, the manufacturer is at fault (for selling a defective product). If you sell a bag of salad

    • Forgot to say "you're welcome" about the reviewer thing. No one more suited to it, IMNSHO.

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