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Journal The Fun Guy's Journal: 190.9 I wouldn't have expected this 2

It's an unexpected honor, and I'll do my best to live up to the responsibility.

If nothing else, I can splice those funky simultaneous-translation earbuds to swap in the feed from my iPod. I figure I can listen to podcasts and books-on-tape while the reps from the unimportant countries drone.

As a side note, it's interesting to me how these Cabinet picks call forth some of the Ancient Ones from whatever astral planes they currently imbue with the main parts of their essences.

Regent to the Last Emperor: "This society... this race... this world... all of it is dying."
Lars Nova, Space Pioneer: "No. It all died a long time ago. You and your kind just never noticed."
RLE: "No, not yet dead. Passed into the hands of a new race, perhaps, and those of us who remained are nothing but fossils. Ghosts. Figments of a time long ago."
LNSP: "Why didn't you leave?"
RFE: "Some of us did. The ones who felt as you do now. But the rest of us... we stayed to keep alive the culture that gave you life. We knew that one day, you would tire of your life among the ever changing spaceways. You would come here to seek peace. You would come home."
LNSP: (turning away) "Only to visit. Only to lay a wreath on the grave. Goodbye, great-grandfather."
RLE: (whispered, watching him leave)"Goodbye, Lars. I love you. I will be here for you and for your children... forever."

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190.9 I wouldn't have expected this

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  • I think you got jobbed. Everyone knows what an Ambassador is, but what's an Unambassador? Its like everyone celbrating their unbirthday today.
    • I guess that being an unambassador means I get to make speeches that no one will listen to, make decisions that no one will care about, publish long documents that no one will read, and issue directives that no one will follow.

      As opposed to being a UN ambassador, which means... uh... hang on a sec...


"What man has done, man can aspire to do." -- Jerry Pournelle, about space flight
