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Journal The Fun Guy's Journal: 190.8 Defeated the boss, finished the game 2

For the first time in a VERY long time, I finished a video game. Downloaded the demo, paid $20 to unlock the upper levels, got all the power-ups, defeated the Big Boss in a hard-fought final battle.

The game was Plants vs. Zombies. Yes, it's a cute little version of a tower defense game, and its a far cry from Far Cry, but it was actually pretty engaging, at least for a (very) casual gamer like me.

Now that I finished it, more of the puzzle levels and mini-games are unlocked. More, but not all. It's interesting that to get them all, you need to go back through again, starting with level 1-1. The kicker is that, instead of picking the best weapons to balance what you'll be hit with, your weapons will be chosen for you at random and you'll have to make do. An interesting twist, I think.

The Zen garden mode promises to be rather peaceful.

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190.8 Defeated the boss, finished the game

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  • on Blazing Angels (Squadrons of WWII) [Wii]

    Needed to look up how to land the plane when trying to Hold Guadacanal against a japanese counterattack.

    Great stress relief, find the kill the enemy.

    Mind you the current mission "New Georgia" is hard. I think I have worked out what to do just haven't been able to implement it yet - I think the trick might not be to hunt down the enemies, am also going to try a different plane.

    Wouldn't be so good if I was working as the last think I would need is more complex strate

    • But right now blowing the crap out of assholes (recruitment consultants who go on holidays before calling anyone about positions when they promised to do so last week come to mind) who don't play nice is good. ... or any assholes, for that matter.

Heisengberg might have been here.
